Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2010 →  №9 →  Назад

Название Processes of water trearment at mining and concentrating enterprises
Автор Gershenkop A. Sh., Evdokimova G. A., Brylyakov Yu. E., Mukhina T. N.
Different methods of preparation of recycled water, used for mining and concentrating enterprises (which including the methods developed by authors of this paper) have been considered. It is concluded that approach to preparing of waste water is individual and depends on parameters of technological process, on composition of mineral raw materials that are processed on the factory, as well as on its value and environment condition.
Ключевые слова Water treatment, water rotation, coagulation, coagulation threshold, flotation, condensation, electric coagulation, dose of coagulant, oil oxidizing bacteria
Language of full-text русский
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