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ArticleName Nonlinear estimation of parameters in engineering practice of “RIVS” Scientific Development and Production Center
ArticleAuthor Bondarenko A. V., Karamyshev N. I., Katsman Ya. M.

Bondarenko A. V., Head of Analytic Center, Depute General Director, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail:, Karamyshev N. I., Head of AC Programming Sector of the “NPO “RIVS”, Katsman Y. M., Chief Specialist of the Information Technology of the “NPO “RIVS”, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Scientific Development and Production Center “RIVS”


Methods of nonlinear estimation of parameters with reference to the problems of optimization solved in “NPO “RIVS” during the design and planning work, development, management and control systems of technological processes of mineral processing are considered. In connection with a wide range of problems, the most common methods of optimization and their features are examined. The effectiveness of different methods, depending on the task features is examined. The version of the classification of these methods is presented. The method of their use in creating methodical and mathematical software for automated analytical control, a part of the control system of mining and processing enterprises, is described. Brief description of the developed software is given, on-screen forms of input-output data, explaining the organization of the computational process are shown. The basic relationships and the results of comparative calculations using different methods are presented. It is shown that the preferred methods for the considered problem can be distinguished clearly owing to the specific type of function to be minimized. Comparative calculations using linear and nonlinear relationships demonstrate the advantage of the latest and confirm the appropriateness of their use.

keywords Ore beneficiation, mathematical models, methods of optimization. nonlinear estimation, automated systems, analytical control

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Language of full-text russian
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