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ArticleName Technical and technological complex of hydro-mechanized extraction and production of fuel and energy peat
ArticleAuthor Korchak A. V., Yaltanets I. M., Shtin S. M.

Korchak A. V., Rector, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail:; Yaltanets I. M., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Moscow State Mining University; Shtin S. M., Technical Director, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, “Golfstream” Company.


Reversion to the use of the distribution energy in the regions on the basis of peat fuel would reduce the consumption of imported fuel and increase the energy efficiency of housing and communal services through the construction of power plants of the small capacity. It defines one of the priorities of the "scientific-technological complex of Russia for 2007-2012”. Hydromechanisational technology of development of the waterlogged peat deposits and extraction of the peat products for the energy use in a single inline processing facility — is the only technology that with minimal environmental interventions remains the most positive geo-biosphere features of the wetlands as natural ecological niches for biodiversity conservation and development. It creates the objective possibility of the water accumulation process and its desalination. The streaming hydromechanisational technology for energy peat fuels (peat pellets) development provides high quality products and compliance with the standards of the Institute of pellet (IOP). Granules represent a cylinders with a diameter of 6–8 mm, length from 20 to 50 mm, density 1200–1500 kg/m3, ie, fuel peat pellets sink in water, humidity 15–25 %, 2–15 % ash content, heating of 4,9–5,0 kW/h, 4200–4500 kcal/h, 17600 kJ/kg, which is comparable to coal. One ton of pellets are equivalent to 485 m3 of gas, 500 liters of diesel fuel or 775 liters of fuel oil. The authors of the article over the years engaged in research and practical issues in hydromechanisation of the peat and decay ooze. Under their direct supervision a series of works by jetting method pit reclamation ground on the construction of the Kostroma PS were carried out as well as replacing the weak peat soil in the construction of Zagorsk PSPP, preparation area for industrial and civil construction in the Shatura PS. A number of mining enterprises of decay ooze in the Vladimir and Tver regions were established and effectively operated.

keywords Milled peat, hydro-mechanized way of production, conservation of natural wetlands, dredger, hydraulic fluid, the depth of design, density, critical speed, system of design, processing complex, peat pellets

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Language of full-text russian
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