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ArticleName About development of innovation activity and its staffing in the mining industry
ArticleAuthor Ganitskiy V. I., Dayanits D. G., Vorobyev A. G., Eyrikh V. I.

Ganitskiy V. I., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, phone: +7 (499) 236-25-82; Dayanits D. G., Professor, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Moscow State Mining University; Vorobyev A. G., Chief-editor, Doctor of Economics Sciences, Publishing House “Ore and Metals”; Eyrikh V. I., General Directo, Doctor of Economics Sciences, “SpezStroy” Company.


In today's globalized world economy have the greatest relevance parameters such enterprises as the competitiveness of production, stability, performance and economic growth. The main way to achieve high levels of these parameters was the creation and implementation of innovative strategies for enterprise development, based generally on the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, breakthrough achievements in their respective fields of science, creating new technologies, materials and equipment. In the mining industry in Russia and some CIS countries such innovations to the last 15–20 years can be attributed a largescale modernization of the explosive case on the basis of making and using bestrotilovyh emulsion explosives, the establishment and development of quarries and underground mines cyclic-flow systems, the development of pits to a depth of 500-800 m on the basis of geomechanical studies and technology to build a more steep slopes and escarpments boards, development of man-made accumulations of waste primary processing of ores, including the use of physico-chemical geotechnology, the creation of automated monitoring and control of technological processes, etc. Unfortunately, this kind of innovative projects have been implemented so far only in single samples, and in general for the domestic mining industry is characterized by outdated and worn-out fixed assets, low productivity, motivation and organization of labor, high cost and energy-intensive technologies. The main reason for the low rate of innovation in the mining industry in Russia (as well as in other sectors of economy) is a high capital projects to modernize equipment and technologies, implementation of which requires significant investment, is characterized by long periods of exercise and recovery is associated mainly with a substantial alteration and reconstruction of not only of the mining enterprise, but also mining and processing machinery and other related industries. In this regard, the most effective on the first stage of the innovation activity of the mining enterprise should consider the development of best practices company-analogues. According to the authors, in the next few years the mountain for Russian enterprises should focus on the study and implementation of world achievements in the field of mining and, above all in the matter of improving the production process. According to the authors, is now to solve this problem, you must bring high school teams, and further management training for the most effective is the revival of a network of regional centers (eg, training institutes) based on industry research organizations, universities and large management companies.

keywords Cycle of innovation activities, capital intensity of modernization of equipment and technology, management, organizational activities, motivation, productivity, staff training, innovation management

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Language of full-text russian
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