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ArticleName Simulation of thermal physics processes in mining excavations and its influence on air distribution
ArticleAuthor Kazakov B. P., Shalimov A. V., Grishin E. L.

Kazakov B. P., Head of Laboratory, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail:; Shalimov A. V., Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail:; Grishin E. L., Junior Researcher, e-mail:, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Mining Institute of Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences.


Developed mathematical model for solving the solutions of ore aerology and thermal physics processes, flowing in mining excavations has been presented. This model allow to simulate dynamics of air temperature and consumption changing in ventilation systems during influence of operation sources of heat generation and in emergency situations (combustion, fires and etc.).

keywords Ore aerology, ventilation systems, thermal physics processes, consumption, pressure, temperature, air speed, thermal depressions, calculation schemes, simulation, software.

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Language of full-text russian
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