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ArticleName Prospective of usage of mining rocks of North Ossetia in basalt fibers production
ArticleAuthor Tatarintseva O. S., Khodakova N. N.

Tatarintseva O. S., Head of Laboratory; Khodakova N. N., Senior Researcher, e-mail:, Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Problems of Chemical and Energetic Technologies of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences.


The results of researches of mining rocks of Fiagdonskiy and Dzhimidonskiy deposits of North Ossetia for determination of its availability for production of basalt staple and continuous fibers have been presented. The possibility of obtaining of mineral (basalt) wool in industrial scale at the device with induction technique of raw materials melting and acoustic melts upswell by compressed air to super thin fibers has been experimentally asserted. Using laboratory single extrusion nozzle devise it has been shown, that from melts of researched mining rocks in wide temperature diapason it has been formed continuous coarse fibers, capable for asbestos and metal replacing during producing acoustic plaster blocks, asbestos-cement articles with different usage area, armoured concretes and etc.

keywords Mining rocks, basalt continuous and staple fibers, acidity index, viscosity, surface tension, crystallization ability, temperature interval of fibers drawing.

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Language of full-text russian
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