Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2011 →  №7 →  Назад

Название Improvement of technology of stowing operations at the mines of ALROSA Executive Committee
Автор Doynikov Yu. A, Montyanova A. N., Borodin A. A., Latynin V. V., Timofeev A. N.
Информация об авторе

Doynikov Yu. A., First Vice President — Executive Director, ph.: +7 (41136) 9-00-03, Joint Stock Company ALROSA; Montyanova A. N., General Director, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: 22fill56@bk.ru, “Technologies of waste fill”, Ltd; Borodin А. А., Head of Subsurface Mining Exploration Department, e-mail: BorodinAA@alrosa.ru; Latynin V. V., Head of Mine Group of Mirny Mining & Processing Division, e-mail: v.latynin@mgok.alrosa-mir.ru; Timofeev A. N., Deputy Chief Engineer of Aikhal Mining & Processing Division, e-mail: timofeevan@agok.alrosa-mir.ru, Joint Stock Company ALROSA.


Science-research developments of rational compositions of stowing mixtures and technologies of stowing operations have been shown. These developments have been produced by Yakutniproalmaz Institute in partnership with other organizations and used at underground mines of ALROSA Executive Committee in systems of downward layer mining of kimberlites with goaf stowing.

Ключевые слова Underground mines, kimberlites, cryolithic zone, stowing mixture, stowing massive, portland cement, clinker, physics and mechanical properties, geomechanics.
Библиографический список

1. Montyanova A. N. Formirovanie zakladochnykh massivov pri razrabotke almaznykh mestorozhdeniy v kriolitozone (Filling massive formation during development diamond deposits in cryolithic zone). Moscow: Mining book, 2005.

2. Yun R. B., Yun A. B., Makarov A. B. Upravlenie gornym davleniem (Rock pressure control), Moscow: Mining book, 2005.

3. Kazikaev D. M. Geomekhanika podzemnoy razrabotki rud (Geomechanics of underground ores mining). Moscow: Moscow State Mining University, 2005.

Language of full-text русский
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