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ArticleName About approaches to forecasting dynamical occurrences in mining excavations
ArticleAuthor Antsiferev A. V., Dovbnihc M. M., Tyapkin K. F., Tirkel M. G.

Antsiferov A. V., Director, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail:, Ukranian State Research and Design Institute of Mining Geology, Geomechanics and Mine Survey of National Academy of Sciences of UkraineDovbnihc M. M., Head of Geophysical Methods of Exploration Department, Doctor of Geological Sciences, e-mail:; Tyapkin K. F., Professor, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Corresponding Member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, ph.: +38 (056) 247-23-80, National Mining University of Ukraine; Tirkel M. G., Deputy Director for Research, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail:, Ukranian State Research and Design Institute of Mining Geology, Geomechanics and Mine Survey of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.


The substantiation about new ideas and approaches has been done, according to which the source of tectonic forces, triggering different-scale geodinamical processes, is global field of stress in technosphere of the Earth, forming owing to infringement of its equilibrium condition during the planet interaction with begirt physical fields in space. Realization of presented approaches for forecasting regional zones of dynamical occurrences development has been presented on the base of mine, named after A. F. Zasyadko in Donbass. The project of complexes geological-geophysical researches for establishment the technique for forecasting anomalous zones of dynamical occurrences development in mining excavations.

keywords Mining excavations, gas and coal emissions, stressed-deformed state of massive, tectonic forces, rotation condition of the Earth, geoisostazion, tectonosphere, geoid anomalies, geodynamical active zones.

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Language of full-text russian
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