Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2011 →  №7 →  Назад

OJSC “Uralgiproruda” Institute
Название Widening of Northern copper-zinc mine with protection of fragile nature of Nothern Ural
Автор Ovchnnikova T. V., Uflyand G. S.
Информация об авторе

Ovchinnikova T. V., Head of Ecological Department; Uflyand G. S., Chief Specialist of Ecological Department, ph.: +7 (343) 228-11-90, Institute “Uralgiproruda” Public Company.


The widening of working North copper-zinc mine owing to putting into operation Shemurskiy and Novoo-Shemurskiy deposits has been considered. The region of designed mines is the unbroken by anthropogenic activity natural territory, located on 36 km from the nearest populated locality, near to protected zone of state wilderness area “Denezhkin Kamen”, which is one of the specially protected area of federal significance. The results of estimation of environmental behavior with realization of public consultations have been considered.

Ключевые слова Mine, estimation of environmental behavior, sanitary protection zone, maximum permissible concentrations, polluted substance, recultivation.
Библиографический список

1. Programma razvitiya rudno-syrevoy bazy metallurgicheskoy promyshlennosti «Ruda Urala» (Programs of development of ore raw materials base of metallurgical industry at “Ruda Urala” Company). Government Regulation of the Sverdlovsk Region. 18.07.1997. No. 607-P.

2. Prikaz Gosudarstvennogo komiteta RF po okhrane okruzhayushchey sredy № 372 ot 16.05.2000 g. «Ob utverzhdenii polozheniya ob otsenke vozdeystviya namechaemoy khozyaystvennoy i inoy deyatelnosti na okruzhayushchuyu sredu v Rossiyskoy Federatsii» (Order of State Committee of RF about environment protection No. 372. 16.05.2000).

3. Sanitary Regulations and Standards 2.2.1/ Novaya redaktsiya (s izmeneniyami na 9 sentyabrya 2010 g.) (New edition, with changings, actual on 9 September 2010). Resolution of Chief State Medical Officer of the Russian Federation, actual since 9 September 2010. No. 122.

4. Sanitary Regulations and Standards Gigienicheskie trebovaniya k razmeshcheniyu i obezvrezhivaniyu otkhodov proizvodstva i potrebleniya (Sanitary demands to allocation and deactivation of industrial and consumption wastes).

5. Federalnyy klassifikatsionnyy katalog otkhodov. Utv. prikazom Ministerstva prirodnykh resursov ot 2 dekabrya 2002 g. Dopolneniya k federalnomu klassifikatsionnomu katalogu otkhodov (Federal Classification Catalogue of Wastes. Confirmed by Order of Natural Resources Ministry, actual since 2 December 2002. Additions to Federal Classification Catalogue of Wastes). Confirmed by Order of Natural Resources Ministry No. 663, since 30 July 2003.

6. Prikaz MPR RF ot 15 iyunya 2001 g. № 511 «Ob utverzhdenii kriteriev otneseniya opasnykh otkhodov k klassu opasnosti dlya okruzhayushchey prirodnoy sredy» (Order of Natural Resources Ministry RF since 15 July 2001. No. 511. “About confirming of criteria of environment dangerous wastes classification ”).

Language of full-text русский
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