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MINING WORLD. Special issue (supplement)
ArticleName Mineral raw material resources of Afghanistan
ArticleAuthor Kaim Kutbuddin, Abdul Qudoos Hamidi, Abdul Qadier Akhund Zadah, Mamadvafoev M. M., Dzhanobilov M. D.
ArticleAuthorData Kaim Kutbuddin, the Adviser of the Minister, Candidate of Engineering Science, Abdul Qudoos Hamidi, Master Degree of Science, Abdul Qadier Akhund Zadah, Master Degree of Science, Mamadvafoev M. M.,Chief Specialist of Geology Branch, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Dzhanobilov M. D., Chief Specialist of Science and Normative Documents Department, Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Main Directorate of Geology under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan

Afghanistan has rich natural resources, development of which allows to output the country from backwardness and boost to higher level of development. The large deposits of copper, iron, fluor spar, gold, barytes, rare-earthing pegmatites (Be, Li, Ta, Nb and etc.), celestite, emeralds, kunzite, magnesium carbonate, talc, muscovites, uranium, and rare-earthing carbonatites, argonite, and etc. have been founded, developed and calculated in the country. At present time economics of Afghanistan passes through deep crisis. Features of natural resource potential of Afganistan, lowly level of infrastructure development, insufficient educational potential and underdevelopment of external economic relations of the country are making impact on solving the problems of economical development. Structural rebuilding, executed during realization international treatment for Afghanistan, promote involving of natural and staff resources in economical rotation. It’s important condition for reconstruction existent manufactures and for building new mining, mining-benefication and metallurgical enterprises. Regenerated Afghanistan is able to supply by copper and iron all Central and South-Eastern Asian, and all world by precious stone and rare earth metals.

keywords Afghanistan, mineral raw materials base, geological prospecting works, deposits of useful minerals, component content in ores, sources and forecast resources.

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Language of full-text russian
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