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ArticleName Experience of usage M21 grammonite for mechanical pneumo-loading of down holes and blast holes
ArticleAuthor Zhukov Yu. N., Perevedentsev P. P., Anikeev V. N., Sergeev A. G.

Yu. N. Zhukov, Chief Engineer, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail:; P. P. Perevedentsev, General Director, e-mail:; V. N. Anikeev, Deputy Chief Engineer, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, phone: (3854) 39-73-97; A. G. Sergeev, Head of Department, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail:, Biysk Oleum Plant.

The experience of usage M21 grammonite, an explosive material of II category at Priargunskoe PGKHO, Evrazruda, Bakalskoe ore administration and “Apatite” and its comparison with other explosive materials, using in mine and pit quarries, that are non-dangerous in gas and dust, has been presented.
keywords Grammonite, M21, II category, pneumo loading, supplies, consumer.

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Language of full-text russian
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