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Casting and metal science
ArticleName Advanced technologies for development of non-stick anti-burn coatings for iron casting
DOI 10.17580/chm.2021.08.03
ArticleAuthor T. R. Gilmanshina, I. E. Illarionov, E. N. Zhirkov, T. A. Strekalova

Siberian Federal University (Krasnoyarsk, Russia):
T. R. Gilmanshina, Cand. Eng., Associate Prof., e-mail:
T. A. Strekalova, Cand. Eng., Associate Prof., Dept. of Man-caused Safety

I. N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University (Cheboksary, Russia):

I. E. Illarionov, Dr. Eng., Prof., Head of the Dept. “Material science and metallurgical processes”, e-mail:
E. N. Zhirkov, Post-graduate, Dept. “Material science and metallurgical processes”, e-mail:


Burns on iron castings produced in non-metallic molds is still an urgent problem in the foundry industry. Its removal results in high costs as well as a noticeable deterioration in production ecology. However, recently this issue has been neglected in spite of the fact that in the processes of burns formation there is still a lot to consider. This paper is aimed at surveying technologies for increasing the efficiency of anti-burn molds for iron casting. According to conducted analysis, the use of anti-burn coatings for molds and cores is certain to be an important part in the manufacturing iron castings. A poor-quality coating can be caused by non-compliance with such requirements as the percentage of paint, the technology of its application and surface drying of the casting mold. Therefore improving the efficiency of antiburn coatings remains an urgent problem even nowadays. Currently scientific research concerning with this problem is focused on developing the following three directions: the search for new cost-effective initial components of coatings (fillers, binders, additives); technologies development for improving the physical and mechanical properties of coatings initial components by individual or complex activation methods as well as improving methods for studying the structure and properties of the coating at all stages of its properties formation.

keywords Non-stick coating, cast iron, activation, general properties, technological properties, casting mold, casting surface

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