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ArticleName Intensified processing of concentration products using a planetary mill
DOI 10.17580/or.2018.06.02
ArticleAuthor Yusupov T. S., Afanasenko S. I.

V. S. Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk, Russia):
Yusupov T. S., Leading Researcher, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor


Itomak JSC (Novosibirsk, Russia):
Afanasenko S. I., CEO


The paper covers the analysis of the structural and chemical features and imperfections of the interfaces between minerals subjected to selective disintegration prior to separation and concentration. The heterogeneity of the intergrowth seams in terms of the structure, crystallinity and chemical composition is shown, which explains the differences in the mechanical strength of the ore fragments. The sequence of ore destruction under increasing energy impacts is substantiated. Weaker interfaces between minerals may be adequately destroyed in traditional drum mills. The destruction of stronger seams is quite satisfactorily achieved by increasing the destruction energy used in the disintegrators. The use of planetary mills is substantiated for the liberation of finely disseminated high-strength formations, including man-made objects. The high-energy abrasive-crushing effects that are characteristic of these mills turn out to be beneficial in solving such tasks as:
— high-energy attrition of diamond surfaces to remove silicate-carbonate films, enabling restoration of their separation and concentration properties;
— intensification of gold recovery from sulphide ores, with the use of planetary mills enabling increased efficiency of gravity and centrifugal processes and cyanide leaching;
— additional recovery of rare-earth elements from the residual leaching products of flotation concentrate sintering materials of rare metal ores.
The work is carried out with the partial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project No. 180500434).

keywords Mineral, ore, gold, intergrowth, grinding, disintegration, abrasive-crushing effects

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Language of full-text russian
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