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ArticleName Disposal of superfluous solutions from salt processing plants
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2016.04.14
ArticleAuthor Paskina A. V., +Safrygin Yu. S.

VNII Galurgy Stock Co., St. Petersburg, Russia:

A. V. Paskina, Leading Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences,
+Yu. S. Safrygin, Head of Laboratory, Candidate of Engineering Sciences


In the 1970s in the VNII Galurgy the research was conducted and evaporation technology of sylvinite solutions based on the differences in the temperature dependence of the solubility of the main components of solution - potassium and sodium chlorides was developed. The solubility of sodium chloride is mainly determined by the water content in the system and is only slightly dependent on the temperature. The solubility of potassium chloride, in contrast, is determined primarily by the temperature and increases with temperature increasing. During evaporation of water from sylvinite solution into the solid phase would crystallize primarily sodium chloride. While the aim of the research was to obtain during the processing of sylvinite ore, along with the potassium chloride, the salts of higher food qualities. Flowsheet provided evaporating of the part of the mother liquor after vacuum-crystallization to yield common salt. The process have been developed for recycling of excessive solutions by means of their evaporating in a counter-current evaporation unit producing suspension the liquid phase of which is saturated with potassium chloride and sodium chloride, at the temperature of its (suspension) boiling. The suspension which is being formed is combined with overflow from dissolving units, then combined and thickened saline slime is removed from the process and combined clarified saturated solution is sent to the stage of potassium chloride vacuum crystallization. The process enables to eliminate liquid effluent and loss of mineral value along with excessive solutions, thus, in its turn, enabling to lower the rate of ore consumption for manufacturing the product. Elimination of liquid effluent into a slime depot (storage) while producing potassium chloride is an important environmental aspect in the developed process.

keywords Potash chloride, vacuum-crystallizing plant, evaporator system, superfluous solutions, salt solution, sludge dump, heavy gauge chamber of open mine

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Full content Disposal of superfluous solutions from salt processing plants