Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2015 →  №1 →  Назад

Название Methodology-based approach to the research in the area of mineral exploration and mining based on systematic, integrated, inter-disciplinary and innovation strategy
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2015.01.01
Автор Kornilkov S. V., Yakovlev V. L.
Информация об авторе

Author 1:

Name & Surname: Kornilkov S. V.
Company: Institute of Mining, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences (Ekaterinburg, Russia)
Work Position: Director
Scientific Degree: Doctor of Engineering Sciences
Contacts: e-mail: direct@igduran.ru


Author 2:
Name & Surname: Yakovlev V. L.
Company: Institute of Mining, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences (Ekaterinburg, Russia)
Work Position: Principal Researcher
Scientific Degree: Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The article presents a methodology-based approach to the research in the area of mineral exploration and mining, and exemplifies technological, ecological and organizational problem handling towards maintenance and expansion of mineral and raw materials basis in hard-to-reach areas. Advisability of technical audit of mine reserves is proved. Basic factors to influence generation of mining-and-processing integrated works are validated. The procedure of systematic appraisal and decision-making based on the geoinformation analysis is tested. In the area of exploration of minerals and raw materials, the modifications include the requirement to integrate three basic principles: systematicity, complexity and interdisciplinarity. The innovation strategy of the research is an obligatory requirement essential to materialization of the result ensued from investment of capital in scientific studies, new equipment or technology, in fresh forms of production, labor and control management, etc. The outcomes of the development of theoretical basis for the strategy of exploration and comprehensive exploitation of mineral resources include: 

— examination of basic mechanisms of physical and chemical separation and recovery of useful components from natural deposits and production waste;

— elaboration of methodology for optimizing mining system parameters and studying natural phenomena and behavior of mine and rock mass elements as information processes;

— advancement of theoretical foundations and design methodology for socially oriented mining systems;

— proposal of energy-and resource-saving geotechnologies, including energy- and resource-saving transport systems for open pit mines;

— development of theory and methods for deep mining efficiency and safety based on analysis of mining advance, mechanisms of local rock

destruction, geodynamic features, structure and stress–strain state of rocks under mining toward stability of open pit walls. On the whole, the presented methodology-based approach allows complete accounting for geological, technical, ecological and organizational features of mineral deposits and their occurrence areas, as well as ensures the background for systematic making of most efficient, energy-and resource-saving decisions.

This article is published in order of discussion.

This research work was carried out according to the materials of researches of the programs of the Presidium of Russian Academy of Sciences No. 27. Division of Earth Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences No. 3, interdisciplinary project of Ural Department of Russian Academy of Sciences “Earth soil mastering: prospects of enlargement and complex mastering of ore mineral raw-material base of Ural mining-metallurgical complex”.

Ключевые слова Methodology, system, strategy, technology, innovative decisions, interdisciplinarity, comprehensive mineral exploitation
Библиографический список

1. Yakovlev V. L., Kornilkov S. V. Nauchnoe obosnovanie i razrabotka novykh metodov effektivnogo i ekologicheski bezopasnogo osvoeniya prirodnykh i tekhnogennykh mestorozhdeniy Urala (Scientific substantiation and development of new methods of efficient and ecologically safe mastering of natural and anthropogenic Ural deposits). Problemy mineralogii Rossii (Problems of Russian mineralogy). Under the editorship of D. V. Rundkvist, N. S. Bortnikov, Yu. G. Safonov. Moscow, 2012. pp. 471–487. 

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8. Sokolov I. V., Antipin Yu. G. Sistematizatsiya i ekonomiko-matematicheskoe modelirovanie variantov vskrytiya podzemnykh zapasov pri kombinirovannoy razrabotke mestorozhdeniy (Systematization and economic-mathematical modeling of methods of opening of underground reserves in the time of combined development of deposits). Gornyi Zhurnal = Mining Journal. 2012. No. 1. pp. 67–71. 

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11. Antoninova N. Yu., Rybnikova L. S., Slavikovskaya Yu. O., Rybnikov P. A., Shubina L. A. Geoekologicheskaya otsenka zemle- i vodopolzovaniya v rayonakh osvoeniya prirodnogo i tekhnogennogo syrya Urala (Geoecological assessment of land- and water-use in the regions of mastering of natural and anthropogenic raw materials of Urals). Fiziko-tekhnicheskie problemy razrabotki poleznykh iskopaemykh = Journal of Mining Science. 2012. No. 2. pp. 194–200. 

12. Kornilkov S. V., Laptev Yu. V., Antoninova N. Yu., Sokolov I. V. et al. Tekhnologicheskie problemy i perspektivy razvitiya gornodobyvayushchego kompleksa Urala (Technological problems and prospects of development of mining complex of Urals). Sbornik dokladov «Vserosiyskaya nauchnaya konferentsiya «Dni nauk o Zemle na Urale». Kruglyy stol «Gorno-metallurgicheskiy kompleks Urala – sovremennye problemy i puti ikh resheniya» (Collection of reports «All-Russian Scientific Conference «Earth Science days at Urals». Round table “Mining-metallurgical complex of Urals — modern problems and ways of their solving”). Ekaterinburg : Zavaritsky Institute of Geology and Geochemistry of the Ural Branch (UB) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2012. pp. 46–53.

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