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Iron and Steelmaking
Название Simulation of efficient pulverized coal injection into the blast furnace by means of the Oxycoal technology
Автор R. Schott, M. Schumacher
Информация об авторе

Küttner GmbH & Co. KG (Essen, Germany):

Schott R., Dr. Eng., Head of the Dept. of Processing Equipment & Processing Technology Development, e-mail: r.schott@kuettner.com


Aixprocess GmbH (Aachen, Germany):

Schumacher M., Mag. Eng., Process Manager


The pulverized coal injection (PCI) via the tuyères into the raceway of the blast furnace constitutes an important means in order to reduce the coke rate and accordingly the costs of the blast furnace process. The use of the Oxycoal technology involving the simultaneous injection of pure oxygen and pulverized coal via coaxial lances into the tuyère and the raceway of the blast furnace enables further optimization of the economic efficiency. For the prediction of this process a physical process model and subsequently a numerical CFD model have been developed that are able to quantify the outcomes of these complex processes using the Oxycoal technology in quantitative terms. In general, the Oxycoal technology simulation allows to determine possible increase of intensity of pulverized coal injection and, therefore, effi ciency of the blast furnace practice. The results of simulation testify that degassing of pulverized injected coal by means of Oxycoal technology improves approximately by 10% with simultaneous decrease of coke consumption according to the coke/coal exchange ratio. In this case the negative eff ect on gas penetration of the blast furnace is not observed. The resource of economical effi ciency can be estimated as 3.01 Euro per iron ton. It is mentioned that already 33 units for pulverized coal injection, equipped with Oxycoal technique, have been put into practice during last 27 years and confirmed their reliability and efficiency.

Ключевые слова Blast furnaces, pulverized coal injection, simulation, Oxycoal technology, coke rate, oxygen, coke/coal exchange ratio
Библиографический список

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Language of full-text русский
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