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ArticleName Geomechanical substantiation of chequered room-and-pillar mining with backfilling
ArticleAuthor Dik Yu. A., Kotenkov A. V., Tankov M. S.

Author 1:

Name & Surname: Dik Yu. A.
Company: Uralmekhanobr JSC (Ekaterinburg, Russia)
Work Position: Head of a Department
Scientific Degree: Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Contacts: e-mail:


Author 2:

Name & Surname: Kotenkov A. V.
Company: Uralmekhanobr JSC (Ekaterinburg, Russia)
Work Position: Deputy Head of a Department
Contacts: e-mail:


Author 3:

Name & Surname: Tankov M. S.
Company: Uralmekhanobr JSC (Ekaterinburg, Russia)
Work Position: Head of a Laboratory
Contacts: e-mail:


The article analyzes method of chequered room-and-pillar mining with backfilling. The room-and-pillar parameters are geomechanically substantiated in terms of Aikhal kimberlite deposit. The heights of stable exposures of kimberlite and backfill are calculated. The check-out of the calculated parameters of the mining method and the clarification of the stress–strain state behavior in the actual mining area involved mathematical modeling of kimberlite extraction in the southeastern ore body (SEOB) by diamond-shaped rooms. To this effect, a two-dimensional model was constructed based on longitudinal geological sections. The model included the current outline of the open pit mine; the current position of mining; the boundaries of rooms and the extraction sequence. The room mining sequence in a sublevel of SEOB follows the scheme 1–2–1. The article reports the mathematical modeling results on vertical stresses and safety factor in the mining system elements. The authors have found that:
- The vertical stresses in the mining system elements and at the room walls do not exceed the strength of the kimberlite ore and backfill;
- The highest vertical stresses are recorded at the walls of stage II rooms in SEOB;
- The highest vertical stresses concentrate in the corners of mined-out rooms (at the interface of the kimberlite ore and backfill) and reach 3–6.6 MPa (average 4.8 MPa) in the kimberlite ore and 1.8–4.6 MPa (average 3.5 MPa) in the backfill;
- The safety factor of the most loaded areas in the kimberlite ore and backfill reaches 3.2–10.2 (average 5.7) and 1.8–4 (average 2.5), respectively;
- The mathematical modeling of SEOB extraction confirms the geomechanical calculation results. The ore body mining can use the diamond-shaped rooms with the calculated parameters of the extraction objects.

keywords Kimberlite ore, room-and-pillar mining, chequered room arrangement, geomechanical substantiation, backfilling, vertical stresses, safety factor

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Language of full-text russian
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