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ArticleName National University of Science and Technology MISIS: contribution to rise and development of mining industry in the Belgorod Region
ArticleAuthor Chernikova A. A., Polukhin O. N., Petrov V. L., Goncharov S. A., Galperin A. M.

Author 1:

Name & Surname: Chernikova A. A.

Company: National University of Science and Technology MISIS (Moscow, Russia)

Work Position: Rector

Scientific Degree: Doctor of Engineering Sciences

Contacts: e-mail:

Author 2:

Name & Surname: Polukhin O. N.

Company: Belgorod State University (Belgorod, Russia)

Work Position: Rector

Scientific Degree: Professor, Doctor of Political Sciences


Author 3:

Name & Surname: Petrov V. L.

Company: National University of Science and Technology MISIS (Moscow, Russia)

Work Position: Professor

Scientific Degree: Doctor of Engineering Sciences


Author 4:

Name & Surname: Goncharov S. A.

Work Position: Professor

Scientific Degree: Doctor of Engineering Sciences

Company: National University of Science and Technology MISIS (Moscow, Russia)


Author 5:

Name & Surname: Galperin A. M.

Company: National University of Science and Technology MISIS (Moscow, Russia)

Work Position: Professor

Scientific Degree: Doctor of Engineering Sciences


The article highlights the long-term experience of the efficient interaction between the leading universities in Moscow (ranging from the Moscow Mining Academy to the present-day National University of Science and Technology MISIS) and Belgorod in the rise and development of the Russia’s largest mining industry complex in area of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly. The detail description covers the scientific technical-and-technological implementations aimed at improvement of drilling-and-blasting, ferrous quartzite mining and processing, mining-disturbed land reclamation (rehabilitation), etc. Considerable attention is paid to the contribution of the Moscow and regional universities to training of engineering personnel in mining.

keywords Mineral and raw material base, mining industry complex, engineering personnel training, mining and metallurgy universities

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Language of full-text russian
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