Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2014 →  №5 →  Назад

Название Ways of utilization of high-toxic solid waste in the conditions of the Northern region
Автор Kiselev V. V., Khokholov Y. A., Kaimonov M. V.
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Institute of Mining of North named after N. V. Cherskiy (Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences) (Yakutsk, Russia):

Kiselev V. V., Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: gtf@igds.ysn.ru
Khokholov Y. A., Leading Researcher, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
Kaimonov M. V., Senior Researcher, Candidate of Engineering Sciences


This work is devoted to results of research of the solutions of problems of ecologic safety of northern regions with developed mining industry, regarding territories, polluted with high-toxic solid waste (including radioactive), which greatly threatens biota. Considering the vast area of contamination, volume of high-toxic solid waste, impossibility of its conversion in places, and its transportation to other regions for a number of reasons, Institute of Mining of North named after N. V. Cherskiy developed the Concept, on the basis of a number of original patented techniques of recycling, burial and construction of temporary storages of high-toxic solid wastes directly in its disposal place. This assumes the highest consideration for particular qualities of northern climate, and utilization of natural resources of cryolitic zone, mining technologies and underground mines. There is provided the description of technological schemes of high-toxic solid waste burial and construction of ground and underground storages, based on the use of mining and hydraulic construction technologies in northern regions. Ground storages, designed for storing massive quantity of high-toxic solid waste (emergency underground nuclear explosions, in particular) should be elevated, mound type in design, structure and form and should be equivalent to natural entities of cryolitic zone — heaving mounds. High-toxic solid waste, collected from the contaminated area in winter (recycled in "dead wood" pulpchips, litter, soil, sediment streams) is stacked in layers with sealing, sluicing with water and freezing each layer with an atmosphere cold. Thus, the ice wall is constructed, being a natural refrigerator, which power is charged every winter, and this power is sufficient for maintenance of temperature of high-toxic solid waste below zero throughout the summer. Constructed high-toxic solid waste storage for protection from precipitation and melting is provided with thermal and hydro insulation, using local materials. Conducted research on mathematical models defined optimal modes of work maintenance, which also confirm high reliability of storage even under condition of possible climate warming. Developed underground mode of burial and storage is designed for recycling of high-toxic solid wastes of low volume (geological dumps, concentrates, core samples, etc.) in underground goaf mines with year-round negative temperature regime of rock and atmosphere, suitable for reuse. High-toxic solid waste, pre-chilled during winter, is delivered through wells in pitched underground form work, sluiced with water and freezed with an atmosphere cold. Column-like ice wall functions, such as a burial and a pillar, support the mine roof. The whole mine space is filled with these constructions, using this technology and forms an underground high-toxic solid waste storage. Conducted numerical experiments on exclusively developed mathematical model defined optimal modes of work maintenance, required depth of the storage construction, and estimation of its stability under condition of possible climate warming in the cryolitic zone. Results of the research confirm high impermeability of underground high-toxic solid waste storages and its thermal stability under warming conditions. Thereby, there is a reason to believe that two modes of burial and storage of high-toxic solid waste in cryolitic zone are developed — equally reliable and simple in realization, based on consideration of climatic conditions and reasonable use of natural resources and mining technologies.

Ключевые слова Cryolitic zone, high-toxic solid waste, ways of utilization, land and underground storages
Библиографический список

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