Журналы →  Chernye Metally →  2014 →  №1 →  Назад

Development of metallurgy in Russia and CIS
Название Dampfing steel alloyed with vanadium and chromium
Автор E. B. Ten, E. B. Utepov, M. U. Alimanova, Zh. T. Orzhanova
Информация об авторе

National University of Science and Technology “MISiS” (Moscow, Russia):

Ten E. B., Prof. of the Chair of Casting Processes Technology, e-mail: edis_ten@mail.ru


Kazakh National Technical University named after K. I. Satpaev (Almaty, Kazakhstan):
Utepov E. B., Dr. Eng., Prof. of the Chair of Machine Tool Industry, Materials Technology and Engineering production
Alimanova M. U., PhD Candidate


Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications(Almaty, Kazakhstan):

Orzhanova Zh. T., Prof.


The work devoted the development of construction steels with raised damping ability for the purpose of noise decreasing originating from contact and collision of machine and mechanisms details in industrial equipment. The research results of investigation of acoustic characteristics for the standard low alloyed steels 15Cr, 20Cr, 18CrMn and 15CrV, and also the experimental alloys AM1, AM2, AM3 and AM4 (which diff er from standard analogs with the higher content of vanadium and chromium) are presented. The pilot alloys have been melted in the induction crucible with basic lining and subjected to hot forging with preliminary jeating up to 1200 ºC and holding during 30 min. Microstructural analysis after forging has displayed recrystallization process in all samples, with forming of fi negrained structure. Conducted experiments showed that cementing tempering don’t lead to lowering of noise level. At the same time, quenching provides improvement of damping properties of steels due to forming of martensite structure with increases density of dislocations. Correlation relationship between sound wave and grain size is revealed and explained by bending oscillations. According to the research results, all experimental steels are characterized with the better damping abi lity in comparison with standard steel grades. They provide decrea sing of acoustic level from 112–116 up to 99–111 dBА. In this case the best damping ability was noted for the steel AM4 (%: 0,38 С; 0,33 Si; 0,49 Mn; 1,47 Cr; 0,55 V) with the large-grained structure.

Ключевые слова Low-alloyed steels, vanadium, chromium, damping ability, noise, acoustic properties, structure, grain size, martensite, bent wave
Библиографический список

1. Suleev D. K. Vibrodempfi ruyushchie splavy v tekhnike borby s shumom : Monografiya (Vibration damping alloys in the noise competing method : monograph). Almaty: Scientifi c-Research Center “Gylym”, 2002. 210 p.
2. Utepov E. B., Utepov T. E., Utepova A. B. Borba s shumom impulsnogo proiskhozhdeniya (Competing with impact noise). Trudy Pyatoy mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii “Novoe v okhrane truda, okruzhayushchey sredy i zashchite cheloveka v chrezvychaynykh situatsiyakh”. Chast I (Proceedings of the 5-th International scientifi c-technical conference “New in protection of labor and environment, and human protection in emergency situations”. Part 1). Almaty: Kazakh National Technical University named after K. I. Satpaev, 2002. pp. 239–242.
3. Serikbaev M. A., Nyusupova A. B., Abdrasilova Zh. Kh. et al. Vestnik Kazakhskogo Natsionalnogo Tekhnicheskogo Universiteta imeni K. I. Satpaeva — Bulletin of Kazakh National Technical University named after K. I. Satpaev. 2007. No. 1/1(58). pp. 78–86.
4. Utepov T. E., Kuttybaev S. K., Bolatbaeva T. A. et al. Snizhenie shuma soudareniy (Decreasing of collision noise). Almaty: Kazakh National Technical University named after K. I. Satpaev, 2008. 234 p.
5. Kawahara K. Application of high-damping Alloy M2052*. Key Engineering Materials, TransTechPublications. Switzerland. 2006. Vol. 319. pp. 217–224.
6. Suleev D. K., Utepov. E. B., Kazybaeva E. N. et al. Issledovanie dempfiruyushchikh svoystv staley (Research of damping properties of steels). Materialy XIV mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii “Bezopasnost tekhnosfery” (Materials of the XIV international scientifi c-technical conference “Technosphere safety”). Moscow: National University of Science and Technology “MISIS”, 2012. Vol. 1. pp. 131–134.
7. Utepov E. B., Koyshigarina D. Zh., Alimanova M. U. et al. Issledovanie dempfiruyushchikh svoystv bimetallov (Research of damping properties of bimetals). Materialy XIV mezhdunarodnoy nauchnotekhnicheskoy konferentsii “Bezopasnost tekhnosfery” (Materials of the XIV international scientific-technical conference “Technosphere safety”). Moscow: National University of Science and Technology “MISIS”, 2012. Vol. 1. pp. 21–23.

Language of full-text русский
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