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ArticleName Coal flotation collectors based on alkyl aromatic hydrocarbons
ArticleAuthor Gizzatov А. А., Rakhimov M. N., Rakhimova Z. F.

JSOC Bashneft (Russia):

Gizzatov А. А., Process Engineer,

Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (Russia):

Rakhimov M. N., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences

Rakhimova Z. F., Associate Professor, Ph. D. in Chemical Sciences

E-mail (coomon):


Development of coal mining and processing technologies provides for coal layers mining with application of various machines and mechanisms, resulting in run-of-mine coal contamination with fine ash size fractions, efficient beneficiation of which is possible only with use of froth flotation. The article is dedicated to the problem of coal fine fractions — fractions below 0.5 mm (coal fines) — beneficiation of Karaganda basin high-ash-coal. The literature analysis shows, that aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons of various hydrocarbon makeup are prevalent among effective flotation collector-reagents. Therefore, the following petrochemical products: ethylbenzene and diethylbenzene fractions, ethylbenzene distillation residue, as well as diesel fuel — for comparison, are chosen as flotation reagents. Influence of reagents' nature upon yield and recovery of flotation concentrate's useful mass was studied, as well as characteristic curves of dressed coal grade, after treatment with the studied reagents, plotted against their concentration, are presented. The highest efficiency was shown by ethylbenzene distillation residue. The results analysis revealed, that its application as a flotation reagent provides concentrate yield increase and decreases concentrate's ash content. This will permit to decrease product cost to competitive level and increase production profitability.

keywords Alkyl aromatic hydrocarbons, froth flotation, coal fines, collector-reagent, ethylbenzene fraction, ethylbenzene distillation residue

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Language of full-text russian
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