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75 years of Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant
ArticleName Technology, Structure and Properties of Coatings Formed by Anodic Oxidation on Aluminum and Its Alloys
ArticleAuthor Chufistov O. E., Chufistov E. A., Artemiev V. P.
ArticleAuthorData O. E. Chufistov, assistant professor, “Technical control of quality” chair, Penza State Technological Academy, e-mail:; E. A. Chufistov, professor, “Transport machines” chair, Penza State University; V. P. Artemiev, head of “Material science and car service” chair, Kuban State Technological University, Krasnodar city.

Are shown methods of traditional anodizing and microarc oxidation, permitted to produce oxide coatings on aluminum and its alloys. Are investigated structure, phase composition and properties of formed coatings. Is given complex comparing estimate of revealed merits and demerits of shown methods.

keywords Aluminum alloys, coatings, anodic treatment, micro-arched oxidation, phase composition, wear resistance, specific electric resistivity.

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4. Chufistov O. E. // Practice of anticorrosive protection. 2006. № 3 (41). P. 49–53.
5. Chufistov O. E., Boriskov D. E., Chufistov E. A. // Hardening techniques and coatings. 2007. № 11. P. 16–20.
6. Chufistov O. E., Dyomin S. B., Chufistov E. A., Boriskov D. E. // Practice of anticorrosive protection. 2008. № 1 (47). P. 42–48.

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