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75 years of Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant
ArticleName Development of Roasting Process of Fine Dispersing Zinc Concentrates of the Ural Deposits on Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant
ArticleAuthor Panshin A. M., Zatonskiy A. V., Kozlov P. A., Kondratyuk A. A., Terentiev V. M.
ArticleAuthorData Panshin A. M., candidate of science, general director,; Zatonskiy A. V., technical director; Kozlov P. A., doctor of science, head of the engineering centre; Kondratyuk A. A., head of roasting plant; Terentiev V. M., process engineer from production office of the engineering centre, Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant (CZP)

Data on development of roasting process of fine-dispersing zinc concentrates in fluid-bed furnace of the Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant is presented. Influence of both chemical and physical properties of a concentrate on roasting process is shown. Recommendations on preparation of a concentrate to roasting are given. Design features of furnaces and their influence on stability of work of fluid-bed furnace are considered. Influence of a condition of boiling bed of the furnace on technological modes of roasting is defined. Directions of improvement of roasting process are formulated.

keywords Zinc concentrate, furnace-charge, roasting, fluid-bed furnace (FB furnace), temperature, granulometric structure, calcine.

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