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ArticleName Issues of expanding the scope of application of sandwich belt high angle conveyors
DOI 10.17580/em.2023.02.20
ArticleAuthor Sheshko E. E., Galkin V. I., Berdiygin I. A., Pestrikov O. V.

National University of Science and Technology—NUST MISIS, Moscow, Russia

Sheshko E. E., Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences,
Galkin V. I., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
Berdiygin I. A., Post-Graduate Student
Pestrikov O. V., Post-Graduate Student


The article considers the possibility of expanding the scope of application of sandwich belt high angle conveyors (HAC) by increasing the speed of the belts, productivity and the maximum size of the transported pieces. The data for the corresponding adjustment of the calculated parameters of HAC are given. It is shown that the introduction of HAC into the transport schemes of deep open pits will reduce the cost of production since the volume of waste rock, the number of transshipment points, and the fleet of loading equipment and railway transport are reduced at the same time. The discussed technology makes it possible to use natural resources more carefully.

keywords Sandwich belt high angle conveyor, productivity, belt speed, belt width, installation angle, maximum size of transported load, idlers

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