Журналы →  Chernye Metally →  2015 →  №7 →  Назад

Power Engineering and Environment Protection
Название Environment protection and resource saving owing to iron and steel slags: an economical aspect
Автор U. Schamari
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Stahleisen Publishers (Frankfurt, Germany):

Schamari U., Special Correspondent, e-mail: redaktion@stahleisen.de


Every year the German iron and steel industry manufactures not only 45 mln. t of steel in ingots and liquid steel, but also 14 mln. t blast furnace and steel making slags as by-products. These metallurgical slags are used, among other fields, in road construction and as raw materials for fabrication of cement or fertilizers. These themes have been discussed during the symposium in Meitingen, that has been conducted with slogan "Metallurgical slags are the chances for economics and environmental". Serious attention has been paid to meeting the ecological requirements of used slags that are approved by the national Ministry on environment protection. Representatives of several companies (BSW Stahl Nebenprodukte GmbH, Max Aicher Umwelt GmbH, Georgsmarienhütte) described their experience in slag processing. It was confirmed that at present time almost all processes that are relevant for slag processing, are aimed on increase of ecological acceptability of material.

Ключевые слова Metallurgical slags, processing, road construction, cement production, fertilizers, ecological requirements
Language of full-text русский
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